Price and Product Imports

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Price and Product Imports


We have always tried to help our clients with their ongoing price and product imports as a courtesy service (it is not covered by our software support terms), but recently this has become no longer viable. Price and product updates from manufacturers and suppliers are becoming more and more frequent. We have certainly seen a significant increase to the point where we are spending hours every day doing imports, which you can appreciate has a negative impact on the support we are able to provide for our customers.

This is the same for all our trade counter clients and may be due to the cost-of-living crisis, fluctuating raw material costs, or simply because digital price lists are easier to update frequently. Whatever the reason, we are unfortunately being overwhelmed by requests for price or product imports.

As a result, we have had to re-think how we deal with product/price imports and now have three options for our customers:


  • The first is that we provide you with an import program and templates to allow you to import the updates yourselves (after having taken a back-up). We will provide any necessary support and training for this within your existing support package.


  • The second option is that we will make a charge of £10 + VAT per import, provided they are in the required format. We will guarantee that any data you provide us with will be imported within 3 working days, and if for any reason this does not occur, we will import the data free of charge.


  • The third option is that we do all formatting and imports in full for you, but we will charge you for how long it takes using our standard hourly rate applicable to data imports (£35.00 + VAT per hour, with a minimum charge of 1 hour). We will inform you how long this will take and an estimated completion date before starting any work.


Rest assured, your existing monthly support fee will continue to cover installation, training, problem solving and all reasonable ongoing support queries you may have; together with continuous development to ensure that the software you use is always up-to-date. 


We have a complicated business with over 10,000 stock lines. If it works perfectly for us, it will work for anyone.

Anthony Gillam – JC Dykes Supplies Ltd


Service & Support that you can rely on…

Your trade customers don’t want to spend time at your counter. Don’t kid yourself that they like the plastic cup coffee or your Monday morning banter. The quicker you serve them, the quicker they get back to earning money and the happier they are. So if your software crashes, or your systems are down, it not only costs you that sale, but you also risk annoying your regular customers; or losing them altogether.

Benchmark’s POS software is used by trade counters the length and breadth of the country, and has been for years. It is robust, stable and reliable. It is easy-to-use and we offer unlimited support and training. But in the real world, things can always go wrong. And that’s when you’ll appreciate our exceptional support service. No jargon, no tech speak, just answers. You can talk to the guys that actually wrote the software and we’ll get you back to work straight away.


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  • No tech speak.
  • No hard sell.
  • No flannel.

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